*Tea sandwiches: cucumber + dill sauce, alaskan salmon
*Craisin and raisin scones
*Buffalo chicken pizza bites
*Mini turkey and broccoli quiches
We had a few friends over to help cook! We started with the quiche since it was the most complicated and took the longest to make.
Yes, we need broccoli! Wash, chop, and boil!
Chop up some turkey and onion.
Simmer in a pan.
Then add the broccoli. This is for the quiche filling.
Next, we prepare the dough for the crust by cutting butter in flour. The dough was wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in the fridge for half an hour to create a nice consistency.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut into circles with a cookie cutter. The size will be perfect for the shape of our molds.
Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes. Place some beans inside each crust to make sure they keep their shape.
Next, add the filling: broccoli, turkey, onion mixture and the egg, milk, and cheese mixture.
Bake at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes.
They look so delicious!
The inside:
Next, we prepared some tea sandwiches. This was fairly easy. First, obtain some sandwich bread and cut off all the crust.
Salmon sandwiches were the other variation. Cut into triangles.
Angela worked on her creation: Buffalo chicken pizza. She prepared the pizza by cooking some chicken breast and adding buffalo chicken sauce.
Here's the pizza before baking:
And again after baking 20 minutes at 450 degrees:
We cut it up into smaller tea-sizes. :P
We next had Liz help out in making the craisin + raisin scones!
The dough was prepared and simply molded into the shape of your liking. We had hearts, a fish, a dog, and triangles! Don't forget to flour your hands when working with the dough.
Delicious! Best served with jam or butter.
The complete high tea set (scones on the side):
Of course, this was served with tea! We had a raspberry tea, and we discovered that with the addition of cream, it made a really delicious milk tea. This combination went just great with all this food. The high tea party turned into dinner for everyone due to the amount of food we made. One thing I forgot to add was the mini cakes - next time!
- Candice