Angela has a takoyaki maker and uses it all the time, just because she can - and of course because of how satisfying these little "dumplings" are. ;D One evening she invited me over for dinner and we had a blast creating and devouring these delicious Japanese octopus balls! Want your own? You can get one online - here's a fancy one.
Batter Ingredients:
- 1 2/3 cups flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 lb boiled octopus (chopped)
- 1/4 cup green onion (chopped)
- Bonito flakes (katsuobushi)
- Japanese mayonaise
- Takoyaki sauce
- Dried seaweed powder (aonori)
The batter is relatively easy to prepare. Combine the above ingredients into a bowl, and then drop a large spoonful into each of the molds.