
The Great Outdoors and Visualizing Jam

During the summers as a kid, I grew up adventuring around and getting dirt under my nails in my grandparents' big backyard. They lovingly grew plump peaches, plums, pears, cherries, and lemons that we always picked together as a family activity. They also have a fishing pond decorated with lotus flowers that I would just stare into and fish in for hours. So when Candice called me up to go fruit picking all those memories of my grandparents' little summer getaway brightened me up.
We stopped at Impossible Acres, a quaint family-run farm in Davis that opens to the public for fruit picking with charges based per pound.

As you an probably tell from these great photos that Candice took, these fruits were delicious!

So what are some of the things you should you do with bundles of fresh fruit? Learn how to appreciate its form at a deeper and intimate level. "Huh?" Well, ask June Taylor-

This weekend Vick surprised me with a fishing trip to Fallen Leaf Lake south of Lake Tahoe; our target: Crawdads.

We used all sorts of bait and we found that crayfish have a taste for korean kalbi and drumsticks (our leftover dinner). With these flavorful baits we were able to catch about 4 pounds worth during our trip!

That night we had a real feast; Vick had never tried them before and was cynical about the fact that crawdads have very little meat, most of which concentrate on the thumb sized tail. But let me tell you, crawdads are like orange-floawored tic-tacs; tiny but punch a pack of awesome flavor, their strong seafoody flavor are very much worth the maticulous process of unshelling the little buggers. Plus, they make great convo food.



  1. Those look yucky yet delicious at the same time.

  2. I was in the process of plannin' a trip to a local plantation @ Dixon. Guess you've beaten me to it.
