Master Chef Vick came armed with a croquette receipe one evening to share with us! What is a croquette? It is like the Japanese version of the hash-brown, except it is fried using a different type of batter and the potatoes are mixed with a variety of ingredients. We used groud beef and green peas! The recipe is actually quite simple:
1. Gather all these ingredients!
3. Peel and boil some potatoes and green peas.
4. Mash these ingredients together until you get a smooth, consistent mixture. (Yum, you can probably just eat it like mashed potatoes!)
5. Next, the fun part is molding the croquettes! Angela was a pro at this. You can really make them any size and shape you like!

6. Coat the pieces first in flour, then in a beaten egg mixture, and then in tempura batter (or coating of your choice). The egg mixture ensures that the batter will stick to your croquette!
7. Now deep fry the croquette pieces until golden brown on both sides.
Health-conscious? Blot out excess oil on paper napkins immediately after frying:
8. Serve as a side dish to any meal or just as a tasty snack!
- Candice :D
those look DIVINE