
School Lunch (점심) & Mr. Pizza (미스터피자)

Here's today school menu:

Chicken Ginseng Soup (삼계탕)

Radish Kimchi (깍두기)

Fried Dumplings with Spicy Sauce (군만두)

Cooked Spinach (시금치나물)

After 6th period this egg was sitting on top of my desk. They told me it was for Easter; how sweet!

 Met up with my friend at Mr. Pizza and asked him to order for us. He decided to try their new special, The Korean BBQ Pizza with slices of rice cakes and asparagus with a cheese crust.

At first I was confused about how I should feel about this pizza. It looked more like an arts and crafts display than food and it was a real challenge to my senses. After the first few bites I thought, "This is one of the most amazing pizzas I have ever had!" And I wolfed down the remaining slices happily.

We also got access to their salad bar which served a variety of potato and sweet potato salads, fresh cut fruits and pastas.

Thank you, Korea.

- Angela

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