Anyways, my old old man knows the dining scene in Sacramento like the back of his hand, especially when it comes to burgers and the like. One day, he drove us around a dim alley lined with shady empty warehouses and a valley of cold rusty delivery trucks. He chimed, "I'm gonna treat you to something very special today; it's one of my favorite lunch spots"
Me and my bro look at each other with frightened eyes "Uhh...grandpa.. are you sure it's around here.. this place looks..not exactly family friendly"
He payed us no mind and continued driving confidently and smugly.
"Has he finally gone senial, sis?"
Finally he stopped the car in front of this long warehouse with faded pale blue paint and a lot full of cop cars and vans that looked like they've snuck in a couple immigrants in their time. Family-friendly was not the word indeed.
A thick trail of smoke slithered through the sky from the warehouse's small chimney and a blinking 'OPEN' sign welcomed us at the front door.
As my gramps opened the door and let us through, a long bench of tough and rough looking cops and truck drivers greeted us with curious stares. Instantly, however, my fears were distracted by a fragrant smoky and inviting smell tickling my nose. "Oh...that smells...goooood!!"
Before we know it, me and my family are chowing down on some of the best ribs I ever had at Junior's Texas BBQ.
Here's their sauce and homepage:

Softest, porkiest (i don't actually know waht connotation this word implies..) ribs in Sac! Go! Go!
Here's my attempt at following Jr's footsteps-

Here's a helpful video for grilled and oven-baked ribs:
I actually followed another recipe, so I can't say I know whether or not this guy is right; but from what he says the recipe sounds basically the same. Also, I like how the page the video came from allows a lot of room for individual preferences regarding flavor.
1) Season and Marinate!
I just layered on a lot of black pepper and minced garlic and some salt cause I figured the BBQ sauce would being overpowering anyway..but who knows until they try?

2) Spread on the BBQ sauce and bake at 325 degrees for and hour and raise the temperature to 375 for another 10-20 minutes.

3) Eat!

I used frozen ribs so that may have compromised the tenderness, so it wasn't as soft as I expected, but still very good. This was definitely easy, just takes time.
i never said grandpa is going senial! putting words into my mouth.
ReplyDeletehahaha o it's u!
ReplyDeleteu may not have said it but i can read the look in ur eyes x]