
Summer nights

What is there better to do in 106 degree F weather than plan out what to eat for dinner? Well that's how Angela and I roll. We rounded up some friends, and got cooking, from shark fish to wrapping's all here!

Opening some packages of wonton wrappers...very happily!

The filling was prepared with beef (oops, forgot the shrimp)! We had several different shapes and "designs" for these wontons, and I personally think that Vick's won since his looked like a version of gold pieces of currency!

Angela was very much into the wrapping process. =P

The entire batch! Yes, we did make a lot!

And into the pot they go! When the dumplings float, it's a sign that they are ready!
A second item on the menu was an improv puff pastry filled with potato, corn, salmon, and bell peppers, with a touch of coconut milk for a sweeter flavor. :)

After baking and assembling:

The inside:
Some more ingredients to prepare noodles, made by Peter! He added shabu shabu meat and some veggies.

And here is a very nice kimchi soup (you can guess who made it if you have viewed previous posts)!

Shark fish prepared by Vick. Very unique, eh?

And's BBQ time!
One of our special BBQ chefs, Brian, and Tiff!
An oil-free tilapia prepared by Jenny (yes, it's very healthy!):

Some hot dogs and buns with a nice presentation!

Preparing some fried rice:
I also prepared a side dish of corn, carrot, and potatoes:

A tomato sauce, spam, and egg fried rice:
A healthy salad prepared by Jenny, with an interesting salad dressing with mystery ingredients xD...

And you can't have a BBQ without chips and salsa!

Lamb kebabs, chicken wings, and some nicely seasoned catfish:
There was LOT LOT LOT of food, and even more leftovers!
Our guests, tasting the food!
All smiles must mean the food was delicious! =)

- Candice


  1. *sigh* I miss you guys. Tyson misses the food (ok he misses you guys too!) :] Hope to see you soon!
